Tony started as an electrician’s mate at 21 years old and put himself through night school before a 20 year career at a brewery as an electrician. During this time, he gained knowledge of commercial electrical work along with general electrical maintenance. Tony also became dual skilled in mechanical maintenance and IT software fault diagnosis. He started TWK electrical in 2009. In his (very limited) spare time Tony enjoys going to the gym, walking with the ramblers and spending time with his family.

Shirley is the wife of Tony and mother of Jed and his 2 sisters. She is half owner of TWK Electrical and looks after the books and payroll alongside looking after her 2 grandchildren.
In her spare time Shirley likes to go to the gym, walk with the ramblers and drink far too much costa coffee.
Jed is Tony’s son and started TWK electrical as an apprentice when he finished school at 16 years old in 2014. He has been fully qualified since March 2018 and has since completed the 18th edition course. In his spare time, Jed enjoys going to the gym, seeing live bands and booking (too many) holidays.

has been an electrician since September 2021 and should be finishing his apprenticeship soon and unfortunately for Tony he is also his son in law.
Because Kieran is the tallest in the business we always like to remind him of his height, he also has quite the head for heights he’s very enthusiastic about planes and helicopters, if anyone starts talking to him about them he would be there all day.
He is also quite the avid photographer taking all of the our new group and headshots pictures you see on the website.
has been an electrician since September 2021 and will be finishing his apprenticeship soon.
When Loyd is not crawling around in loft spaces, chasing out walls or working outside with his top off, he will either be at the gym, spa, hairdressers or getting a spray tan.
He is the most enthusiastic, energetic and funniest in the company unless he has to work through his lunch or snack time.